As a Pastor I am sure you only want to spend your time doing things which contribute to the success of your church. Whether it is your personal devotional time or how you interact with a staff member, you have a great deal of influence in the life of your church. Sadly just as you can influence for the good, some of your tendencies can also be holding it back.  As Carey shared personally on his blog recently, Pastors with have controlling tendencies can be especially damaging.  

Our church grew rapidly when I was in my undiagnosed control freak days. So you would think, well, the sky’s the limit, right?



There’s a lid that comes with your control freak tendencies. You will eventually hit a wall in which the size of your church shrinks back to the size of your personal span of care. Until you let go.

In other words, if you want to limit your church’s growth, attempt to control everything.

 (you can read the entire post HERE)